When you open a new post there is a little picture icon on the upper right. Click on it. Next you browse through your files until you find the one you want. Then click upload and wait and wait and wait. Then it will appear on your post you are writing and screw up any text you have already written. Then you click and drag the pictures until you finally give up and leave it as is. Good luck.
I have been married for over eight years now. Thankfully, Mark is the perfect husband for me. I am self employed, I take care of other peoples children during the day. I love my job, but just like everyone else, some days days, oh my goodness, my job is the worst. I have a beagle named Louie, he is the best dog, and I just can't imagine our house without him. I have a daughter who we adopted two years ago, when she was 16. Sadly, the adoption did not go well, and due to choices she has made, it is not possible for her to live in our home at this time. For the most part, my life is pretty good. I am happily married, I have an awesome extended family, and am lucky enough to be married to my best friend.
Good luck! It's not too tough once you get the hang of it. It just takes patience(something I don't have a lot of), waiting for them to upload.
ReplyDeleteWhen you open a new post there is a little picture icon on the upper right. Click on it. Next you browse through your files until you find the one you want. Then click upload and wait and wait and wait. Then it will appear on your post you are writing and screw up any text you have already written. Then you click and drag the pictures until you finally give up and leave it as is. Good luck.